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If you have a BSI Hardware Key / USB Dongle and are installing the same version of software, you can use your previous validation code even if you are installing the software on another PC. Please only submit a request if you really need a NEW code.
If you have a dongleless version of the software and your serial number has changed, please see the article "Serial Number Changes for Keyless Versions of Software" in our support section of the website
If your software has suddenly reverted to Demonstration Mode, please contact our technical support department at or (541) 342-5250.
Validation codes are available Monday to Friday 8am to 4:15pm Pacific time US. If you are submitting multiple requests for codes, please submit a separate request for each code.
* = Required Fields - Failure to enter these details correctly will result in your Validation Code request being rejected.
To obtain Unlock Codes for Natural Grid, Natural Log, or Natural Music, please contact Natural Software directly.